(Total Players: 7778 - Unique Players: 1614)

LW  John LeClair  Tier 2

Phi Int Mtl

LW PHI USA MTL 18 Player Variations Special - 12 Ultimate Tier 2 - PHI - LW
Packs/Collections to find John LeClair:

Team Position Collection Type Collection Overall Rating Release Level
Mtl LW mtl Mtl Limited Trophy Hunters 2022 63.00
Phi LW phi Phi Legends Legend 3 159.00
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Cutting Edge Redux 63.25
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Dynamic Duos Vol. 2 63.00
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Faceoff Collection Redux 63.00
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Fire and Ice 63.00
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Postseason Rush 63.00
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Quest for the Cup 2 63.25
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Quest for the Cup 3 63.00
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Rivals Stars 63.00
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Rivals Stars 11 63.00
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Stars 63.25
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Stars 2 63.00
Phi LW phi Phi Limited Stars 3 63.00
Phi LW phi Phi Ultimate Ultimate 2 390.25
Phi LW phi Phi --- --- 21.50
Phi LW phi Phi --- --- 63.00
Usa LW usa Usa Special Stanley 78.25 Series 12 Pack