(Total Players: 7778 - Unique Players: 1614)

G  Ken Dryden  Tier 4


G MTL 17 Player Variations Special - 12 Ultimate Tier 4 - MTL - G
Packs/Collections to find Ken Dryden:

Team Position Collection Type Collection Overall Rating Release Level
Mtl G mtl Mtl Legends Legend 8 262.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Crunch Time 2.0 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Faceoff Collection 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Faceoff Collection 2019 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Fire & Ice Revisited 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited High Voltage Recharge 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Mercury Rising 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Postseason Rush 2021 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Quest for the Cup 63.00
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Rivals Stars 15 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Rivals Stars 9 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Stars 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Sudden Impact Reloaded 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Special ROY 80.25 Series 12 Pack
Mtl G mtl Mtl Ultimate Ultimate 4 457.00
Mtl G mtl Mtl --- --- 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl --- --- 62.75