(Total Players: 7778 - Unique Players: 1614)

G  Patrick Roy  Tier 5

Mtl Col

G MTL COL 24 Player Variations Special - 18 Ultimate Tier 5 - MTL - G
Packs/Collections to find Patrick Roy:

Team Position Collection Type Collection Overall Rating Release Level
Col G col Col Limited Crunch Time 3.0 63.25
Col G col Col Limited Divided Loyalty Encore 63.25
Col G col Col Limited Dynamic Duos 63.25
Col G col Col Limited Lords of Stanley Vol. 2 63.25
Col G col Col Limited Rivals Stars 10 63.25
Col G col Col Limited Rivals Stars 12 63.25
Col G col Col Limited Rivals Stars 14 63.25
Col G col Col Limited Rivals Stars 3 63.25
Col G col Col Limited Rivals Stars 7 62.50
Col G col Col Limited Super Human 63.25
Mtl G mtl Mtl Legends Legend 10 300.00
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Arctic Blast 2023 63.25
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Cutting Edge Returns 63.25
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Great North 63.25
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Quest for the Cup 2 63.25
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Rivals Stars 63.25
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Rivals Stars 3 63.25
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Showdown 63.25
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Showdown 2 62.75
Mtl G mtl Mtl Limited Sudden Impact 63.25
Mtl G mtl Mtl Special HoF 115.50 Series 18 Pack
Mtl G mtl Mtl Ultimate Ultimate 5 482.00
Mtl G mtl Mtl --- --- 63.25
Mtl G mtl Mtl --- --- 63.25